Why Tulsi Gabbard is the best Presidential candidate
In a nutshell, Tulsi is the best candidate because she is the best on foreign policy, 2nd best on domestic policy (after Bernie). She researches her stuff well and hence is able to cut through BS narratives and evolve. She is courageous, authentic and looks at issues on merit, not through partisan lens. Before getting into the details on all of the above, I'd really recommend to watch this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpdYbJFh5Jo. It is by far the most powerful and moving video I've seen of any candidates in the 2020 campaign. Once that's done, lets start with what the biggest responsibility of a US president is and what is the area over which the President has the most control. Yes, that's right, its foreign policy. Tulsi is far and away the best candidate on foreign policy. The best candidate on foreign policy ? Unequivocally ? Yes and Yes. Firstly her credentials : She is a soldier and has served twice abroad (Iraq and Kuwait respectively) in a ...