Achievements of Modi government

 1. Government health insurance for 107.4 million lower earning families (~500 million people). Insurance of upto Rs 500,000 rupees per year per family - ~28K USD per year - by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). This is under Ayushman Bharat program. PPP is basically conversion of currency adjusted by standard of living.

2. Sanitation: The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) has built toilets at an unprecedented pace. Since October 2014, over 92 million toilets have been constructed, covering nearly 500 million households. India has become close to being open-defecation free after being only 38% open-defecation free in villages in 2014.

3. Infrastructure: There has been a steep rise in building roads, highways and metro networks as well as housing for the poor. These are long-term initiatives but the benefits are already visible. According to fact-checking sites, 12km of highways were constructed in 2013-14. This pace more than doubled to 27km per day in 2017-18.

4. Zero balance bank accounts for poor people: Called Jan Dhan accounts, they have been opened on a massive scale. Used for direct electronic transfer of subsidies. This has cut out most middlemen who routinely siphoned off large chunks of benefits due to the poor. At least 300 million new families have got Jan Dhan accounts in which almost ₹650 billion (US$9.1 billion) have been deposited, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on 28 August 2017, on the eve of third anniversary of the scheme aimed at financial inclusion.This has cut out most (though not all) middlemen who routinely siphoned off large chunks of benefits due to the poor.

5. Centers for low cost Generic medicines: Called Jan Aushadhi Kendras, opened across country and benefitting millions.

6. Reduced inflation and kept it under control : From 2006 to 2013, inflation rate varied from 6.2 to 12.31. Modi govt took charge in May 2014. It was 5.8 in 2014 and has been below 5 from 2015-current.

7. Revocation of Article 370: Its revocation has helped correct several injustices and fix several problems. It has cut down on corruption, encouraged development, restored equal rights to women, ensured rights for homosexuals, Hindu&Sikh refugees from Pakistan (at the time of partition), oppressed classes of people like Valmiki Dalits. Article 370 in Jammu&Kashmir was only meant to be temporary. 

Problems of Article 370(&35A) 

a. Ensured corruption was rife and stifled development because non-Kashmiris could not own land or property in Jammu&Kashmir

b. Took away Kashmiri rights for a woman if she married a man outside of Kashmir, but not the same for if a man married a woman outside of Kashmir. i.e discrimination against women. 

c.  Meant 1.5 lakh Hindu and Sikh refugees from West Pakistan living in Kashmir since 1947 have been denied citizenship and voting rights. 

d. Oppressed classes of people like Valmikis (Valmiki Dalits) could only work as sweepers

e. Homosexuality was still a crime in Jammu&Kashmir (it was decriminalized in rest of India in 2nd half of 2018)

Revocation of Article 370 put an end to all this.

8. Abolition of triple talaq: Stops the barbaric practice of Muslim men being able to instantly divorce their wives by just saying talaq three times in any form. This practice is not a part of the Quran and was abolished many years ago even in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. In India, shockingly, this was still legal till 2019. Only because Modi govt had the numbers and the will/strength to overcome the lobby of some powerful Muslim men and other pseudo-liberal forces , it was able to abolish triple talaq. Note that Supreme Court declared triple talaq as unconstitutional in 17, but even BJP led NDA govt did not have enough strength/support in the Rajya Sabha to get it passed till mid-2019.

9. Millions of scholarships to minorities: >75% of those to Muslims. 23.7 million Muslims got scholarships in Modi’s 1st term.

More Muslims got govt scholarships under Modi govt than during Congress-led UPA-2

There were 2.37 crore Muslim beneficiaries of govt scholarships during Modi's first term, while the figure under Manmohan's second was 2.33 crore.

While 3.14 crore minority students secured government scholarships between 2014 and 2019, the number stood at 2.94 crore for the second Manmohan Singh dispensation, which was in office from 2009-2014. This translates to a rise of 7 per cent in beneficiaries under the Modi government.

Note : 1 crore = 10 million

10. Deposit scheme for girl child: Tax free, high interest earning scheme for girls that can be withdrawn after they turn 18. This is under Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana. It is a small deposit scheme of the Government of India meant exclusively for a girl child and is launched as a part of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign (save the girl child, educate the girl child). The scheme is meant to meet the education and marriage expenses of a girl child. Account can be opened in the name of a girl child till she attains the age of 10 years.


11. India achieves 20 GW solar capacity goal four years ahead of deadline (2022 goal achieved in 2018). This comes after a strong push by the Modi government towards solar power. In fact, after PM Modi came to power, he increased the power capacity target for 2022 to 100 GW.

12. In G20, Only India On Course To Meet 1.5 Degree Celsius Target - Brown to Green Report 2019 is released by the Climate Transparency on Monday (11th November)

13. India has emerged as a global leader in renewable energy, and in fact it is investing more in them than it is in fossil fuels. Having established a goal of generating 40 percent of its power through renewables by 2030, its progress has been so rapid that it could easily reach that target a decade early, so there is every opportunity for India to increase that target. CAT calculates that India’s plan is compatible with a 2 degree C increase, but that its National Energy Plan could be 1.5 degrees C compatible if the country abandoned plans to build new coal-fired power plants.

Opinion : I don't think India will achieve goal of 40% energy production through renewables a decade early. Its at around 17% now. So fat chance. But I just posted a link from National Geographic as a neutral link to show that India has been a leader in renewable energy. But it will likely achieve it earlier than 2030.

14. Renewable energy :

The total generation from all renewable energy sources is nearly 17% of the total electricity generation (utility and captive) in India. In the year 2018-19.

The electric national grid in India has an installed capacity of 360.788 GW as of 31 August 2019.

[3] Renewable power plants, which also include large hydroelectric plants, constitute 34.86% of India's total installed capacity.

**End of environment section**

Foreign policy :

15. Maintaining good diplomatic relationships with pairs like US-Russia,Saudi-Iran, Israel-Palestine.

16. India has supplied paracetamol and hydroxychloroquine to over 120 countries while ensuring the domestic supply during COVID-19 epidemic.

17. Palestine 

a) Modi was the 1st Indian Prime Minister to visit Palestine in 2018.

b) Modi govt increased funding to Palestine:

India has increased its annual contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) from $1.5 million to $5 million from 2018-19 for a period of three years, the External Affairs Ministry said on Wednesday.

c) Modi govt voted for Palestine (against Israel) atleast twice in UN (17, 19):

In 2017, it was against declaring Jersualem as capital of Israel

In 2019, it was for the right of self determination for Palestinians

Note that India is also friendly and maintains good relationship with Israel as well -> Diplomacy.

18. Maldives: 

a) Memorandum of Understanding on Health cooperation signed in mid-2019. 

b) Helped Maldives tackle measles outbreak by dispatching over 30,000 doses of measles and rubella (MR) vaccine. 

c) India is also helping build a 100-bed Cancer Hospital in Hulhumale as part of its $800 million Line of Credit to the island nation, a popular tourist destination and home to over 4,00,000 people.

d) India evacuated Maldive citizens from Wuhan at the time Corona crisis in early Feb

19. Pakistan :

a) Medical visas to Pakistani nationals : Sushma Swaraj was the External Affairs ministerr (aka Foreign Minister) in the 1st term of the Modi govt. 

Swaraj also helped several people from Pakistan get an Indian visa for various medical reasons, from an open-heart surgery to a liver transplant.

b) Continuation of export of livesaving medicines among big tensions in 2nd half of 2019.

c) Tried diplomacy with Pakistani PMs Nawaz Shariff and Imran Khan. Followed by terrorist attacks near Uri and in Pulwama. 

with PM Nawaz Sharif : 

Dec 2015 : Modi in Lahore: Pakistan hails PM’s gesture, says it is ‘purely a goodwill visit’

Pakistan Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said Prime Minister Modi's visit was "purely a good will visit" and PM Sharif has termed it "positive".

with PM Imran Khan : 

Modi also reiterated his "vision of peace and development in the entire neighbourhood" during his conversation with Khan.

According to the PTI statement, Khan thanked the Indian prime minister for his good wishes.

"The solution to conflicts should be found through dialogue," he was quoted as telling Modi.

"Instead of answers to conflicts, wars and bloodbath give birth to tragedies," the PTI chief said, according to the press release.

20. Honored by 6 Islamic countries - Bahrain, UAE, Palestine, Saudi, Afghanistan, Maldives.

Here's a list of awards PM Modi has been conferred with by Muslim-majority countries:

a. The King Hamad Order of the Renaissance, Bahrain - August 2019

b. Order of Zayed, UAE's highest civilian award - August 2019

c. Grand Collar of the State of Palestine - February 2018

d. Amir Amanullah Khan Award, Afghanistan - June 2016

e. King Abdulaziz Sash Award, Saudi Arabia - April 2016

f. Rule of Nishan Izzuddeen, Maldives - June 2019

21. Successful evacuation of 4600+ Indian citizens and 960 foreign nationals of 41 countries from Yemen in April 2015.

Operation Raahat (Hindi: राहत Rāhata, lit. "Relief") was an operation of the Indian Armed Forces to evacuate Indian citizens and foreign nationals from Yemen during the 2015 military intervention by Saudi Arabia and its allies in that country during the Yemeni Crisis.

22. Bangladesh :

India and Bangladesh Swap Territory, Citizens in Landmark Enclave Exchange:

India and Bangladesh formally exchanged 162 enclaves on August 1, 2015, ending a centuries-old territorial anomaly and completing a process of land and population exchange that began in the 1950s. An enclave is the fragmented territory of one sovereign power located inside another sovereign territory.

23. Fitting responses to aggression and anti-India activity : 

a. Befitting reply to 2016 Uri attack : Ground attack - Surgical strike of terrorist camps killing around 150 Pakistan based terrorists -

b. Befitting reply to 2019 Pulwama attack: Balakot Air strike on terrorist camp in Balakot, Pakistan killing 100s of terrorists of Pak based terrorist group - Jaish-e-Mohammed

c. Doklam standoff : China tried to construct road in disputed area b/w China and Bhutan (with which India had made an agreement to help in case of foreign affairs)

Standoff went on for 75 days.

New Delhi, which stood firm amid Beijing’s relentless provocation, sent out a message that it would stand by a friend (Bhutan) in terms of crisis and in the process strengthened its partnership with Asian countries, particularly in South and Southeast Asia.

d. Response to Galwan Valley intrusion attempt by Chinese army : The skirmish resulted in 20 Indian soldiers being killed and an estimated 43 Chinese soldiers being killed. India stood firm and now both countries have reached agreement on this area.

Indian govt reviewed and banned many Chinese apps. Prominent ones include TikTok, CamScanner, UC Browser, ShareIt, WeChat, Xender, DU cleaner. Both for security reasons and economic reasons.

This has extended to other areas well, example : 

India will not allow Chinese companies to participate in highway projects, including those through joint ventures, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari said on Wednesday amid border standoff with China.

Gadakri also said the government will ensure that Chinese investors are not entertained in various sectors like Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

**End of foreign policy section**

24. Response to COVID-19 epidemic:

a) 20 lakh crore stimulus package (10% of the GDP) – one of the largest in terms of % of GDP. It covered poor people, migrants, small&medium industries, stimulus for economy, significant reforms to help farmers. Package is called Aatmanirbhar Bharat package (self-sufficient Bharat/India).

b) Initiated lockdown on time – Lockdown helped slow down the spread. It also allowed the medical industry & community to ramp up testing, manufacturing of medical equipment and protective gears. From very little domestic manufacturing of PPEs to 2nd largest manufacturer of PPEs in a matter of months. Lifted lockdown appropriately. Gave more autonomy to states after lockdown, while helping as required.

60 days, 56-fold growth: India now second largest PPE manufacturer. According to Invest India, the government company, India has become the second largest maker of PPE kits, considered key to fight Covid-19. It has said India achieved this feat in two months.

Unlock 1.0 : The restrictions and relaxations in Unlock 1.0 will vary in different states based on their COVID-19 condition. Check here to know more about places that will open in Delhi, Bangalore, Punjab and others.

c) Has informed and helped implement appropriate measures like contact tracing, social distancing & masks where necessary, washing of hands with soap/use of sanitizer, pre exposure use of hydroxychloroquine (with precautions).

25. Implementation of GST (Goods and Services Tax): An indirect tax which has replaced many indirect taxes in India such as the excise duty, VAT, services tax, etc. It helps simplify the indirect tax and reduce the cost of goods in general.

26. The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: To tackle India’s chronic problem of non-performing assets. Banks have begun to recover debts that had seemingly turned irretrievably bad. This was enacted in December 2016.

27. Citizenship Amendment Act: One time grant of citizenships for religiously persecuted minorities (settled in India before Dec 31, 2014) from 3 Islamic countries - Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Does not alter normal process for citizenship or affect any current citizen. Covers around 31K people.

28.  Bru-Reang Permanent Settlement: Bru-Reang people (Hindu tribal people) ethnically cleansed from Mizo (Christian) dominated Mizoram in the 90s. They were living in camps in neighbouring state Tripura. Central Govt (Modi govt), Tripura, and Mizoram have signed an agreement with the Bru/Reang community that promises to end their 23-year-old internal displacement crisis. All Bru currently living in temporary relief camps in Tripura will be settled in the state, if they want to stay on.

29. Free LPG (liquid petroleum gas) cylinders for the poor : Under the Ujjwala Yojana scheme, women in villages now have access to cooking gas. This has both health and economic benefits. Over 60 million free LPG connections have been given with nearly 50 per cent going to SC/ST households.

30. Increase of roads/infrastructure along the border that helps army move faster between areas, better equipment for soldiers.

Between 2008 and 2017, cutting and formating of about 230 km of roads along the India-China border were done annually, but this has now been increased to 470 km per year between 2017 and 2020. Similarly, between 2008 and 2017, the speed of surfacing of roads was 170 kilometers per year, but it has been increased to 380 kilometers per year between 2017 and 2020.

Construction of tunnels also needed to connect the hilly roads. Surprisingly, only one such tunnel was constructed between 2008 and 2014, while 6 tunnels have been made from 2014 to 2020. The construction of about 19 tunnels is reportedly under progress.

Apart from all these equipment and arms, contracts have been signed with Indian companies for supplying ‘extreme cold weather clothing systems’, sleeping kits and other necessities to the army. Indian companies have been contracted to supply prefabricated structures for housing soldiers in inhospitable conditions. The DRDO has been successfully pushed to make high-protein and nutritious self-heating meal packets for soldiers and some private Indian companies are also bidding for these requirements.


31. Pradhan Mantri Kisan Yojana - all small and marginal farmers will get up to ₹6,000 per year as minimum income support. Update : All farmers covered under the PM Kisan Yojana.

Rs 6000 per year ~ 300USD by PPP (Purchasing power parity)

32. Bodo Peace Accord 2020:

Bodos have advanced a number of reasons for wanting a separate state. They have called the territory they inhabit home for centuries, and want to protect their ethnic identity, way of life, and language. They also sought better governance and development.

The government on Monday signed an accord with one of the dreaded insurgent groups of Assam, the National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB), providing political and economic bonanza.

33. Funding and modernizing madrassas


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