Delhi 2020 communal riots - the reality

Update : Most important :

Tahir Hussain confesses of masterminding northeast Delhi riots, says 'wanted to teach lessons'

The Special Investigation Team (STF) team of Delhi Police said on Sunday (August 2) that Tahir Hussain has admitted to his role in the northeast Delhi riots that took place in the month of February against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

Police said that during the interrogation the now suspended AAP councillor revealed that he wanted to teach Hindus a lesson using his political power and money. He told police that he was the mastermind of the northeast Delhi riots.

As per the police officials, Tahir used support from Khalid Saifi, former JNU student Umar Khalid, Ishrat Jahan and Popular Front of India (PFI) member Danish. 

Evidence was found long time ago at Tahir Hussain's house both by media reporters and police :

Media reporters who managed to entered his house also found petrol bombs, bricks and even acid bombs on the terrace.

Later, a forensic team conducted searches at Tahir's residence and found a large cache of bottles meant for petrol bombs, stones and acid pouches from the rooftop of Tahir Hussain's residence-cum-commercial complex. 

Its fairly conclusive that the riots were masterminded by some Islamists.

Original start of the article ->

In vast chunk of western media/Islamic countries and significant chunk of India, Delhi 2020 riots have been portrayed as anti-Muslim violence or a pogrom against Muslims and such stuff.

Its utter and bullsh*t propaganda as will be showcased below.

Updated on March 2nd. Guessing by the names, there are significant number of Muslims and Hindus who have died.

The communal riots have impacted both Muslims and Hindus in that area.Many people have been killed, many injured, properties destroyed, mosques and temples vandalised. Its was an absolutele tragedy and many people suffered/are suffering.

So what caused these riots ?
The root cause of these riots ?

Let us look in that, but first some background on Citizenship amendment act, pan-India or all-India NRC.

Citizenship amendment Act(CAA)/All-India NRC:

Firstly any person can lawfully apply for citizenship/refuge in the normal way, regardless of his/her religion. CAA does not change that. 

What CAA does it grant citizenship for minorities (who have been persecuted on a religious basis) in the 3 Islamic countries (Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh) and those who came to India before Dec 31st, 2014 and staying in India as illegal immigrants. These minorities include : Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Paris and Christians.
It excludes Muslims because these are Islamic countries and Muslims in general are not persecuted on a religious basis there (again, keyword general)

There is a corresponding US legislation : Lautenburg amendement that is similar in nature.

CAA does not affect any existing Indian citizens. the reason. This is a positive, wonderful step. Granting citizenship to persecuted people, people who need it.

Anyone who is just protesting this calling it as bad , I can only saw WTF. People need to be blaming the religious persecution that went on and is going on in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Wake the hell up !

People who bring in pan-India or all-India NRC (national register of citizens) here. There is no pan-India NRC on the table.

There was some confusion initially when CAA was introduced. Govt did not do a good work of educating people very clearly early on about CAA-NRC. But the government clarified clearly through FAQ and speeches after that. The government said :

But there is absolutely no compulsion to submit any document by/of the parents. Citizenship can be proved by submitting any documents related to date of birth and place of birth. However, a decision is yet to be taken on such acceptable documents. This is likely to include voter cards, passports, Aadhaar, licenses, insurance papers, birth certificates, school leaving certificates, documents relating to land or home or other similar documents issued by government officials. The list is likely to include more documents so that no Indian citizen has to suffer unnecessarily.

Assam NRC is a completely different case. For more information, please check section: "Assam NRC/camps" here :

Protests and "Protests":

As mentioned because the government not doing a good job early on on educating and being very clear on CAA and NRC, the bad faith actors were able to exploit the situation and confuse/incite people (they already had supressed anger from Article 370 abrogation &  Ram Mandir decisions and were waiting for an opportunity like this)

In the protests against CAA/all-India NRC, there were some people genuinely believing in it. Some who were fooled into it. And some who were downright nefarious. Which includes : 

1. More than 2 months of Islamist supremacist, anti-Hindu, anti-India sloganeering by Islamists, bad faith communists, psuedo-liberals and incited by a significant chunk of mainstream news and online media which are pseudo-liberal, bad faith communists, Islamists.

2. Violence in the name of protests which include stone throwing, petrol bombs, destruction of property etc.

Note that the below are just some examples of BS sloganeering and violence in the name of protests.
This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Islamist supremacist, anti-Hindu, anti-India sloganeering :

1. "Hinduon se azaadi" - meaning freedom from Hindus
Listen starting at 0:10. Note the date : 15th December. This was in Jamia Nagar, Delhi

2. "La Ilaha IlAllah" - meaning there is no God but Allah.
Please note the date of the article - Jan 13th

3. Twisting the holy Om symbol into Nazi swastika symbol:

Note the date : Dec 21st

4. Block off Assam from rest of India - Sharjeel Imam

A video of Sharjeel’s controversial speech at AMU recently went viral on social media. At 6 minutes and 15 seconds into the video, one can hear him saying, If five lakh people are organised, we can cut off the Northeast from India permanently. If not, at least for a month. Throw such amount of rubbish on railway tracks and roads that it takes the Air Force a month to clear it. Cutting off Assam (from India) is our responsibility. Only then they (the government) will listen to us.

This video was posted by YouTube channel Youth Neeti on January 17, 2020.

Assam is a north eastern India state. Note that Sharjeel Imam was one of the organizers of the protest at Shaheen Bagh (which will be discussed below)

Some incidents of violence :

1. Viral video: Protester injures own hand while throwing petrol bomb at cops during Seelampur (Delhi) violence.

Note the date : Dec 20th

2. Students of Jamia Millia University (in Delhi) and outsiders throwing stones at police both from inside and outside the campus gate.

Note the date : Dec 15th

3. CAA protests: Muslim cleric apologises for violence in Muzaffarnagar (Uttar Pradesh)

Note the date : Dec 26th

Shaheen Bagh :

The biggest symbol of what happened was in Shaheen Bagh. Shaheen Bagh is a place in Delhi. 

1. Shaheen Bagh. What started as a small illegal sit-in has turned into a small island nation, with its own economy, its own defence, and its own ethno-ideological immigration policy. 

Watch the video in this tweet as well.

2. Child Commission Steps In After Shocking Videos Of Kids At Shaheen Bagh Go Viral, Recommends Counselling.

“Clearly, the child has been brainwashed in such a manner that tremendous fear and untruths have been planted in their minds over CAA and NRC,” the report said.

3. Shaheen Bagh: Baby dies of cold, mother says fell ill at the protest At Jamia Nagar on Tuesday, the child’s mother, Nazia (24), said she would continue protesting.

Note that protestors at Shaheen Bagh blocked roads for mroe than 2 months illegally, causing a lot of inconvenience to people.

Supreme Court had to step in.
Protest but don't block roads: Supreme Court on Shaheen Bagh sit-in

Note that many of these Muslim women were misled, incited by people in political parties like Indian National Congress, Aam Aadmi Party and were used as "shields" against any possible police action.

Just before the riots, during them and the aftermath :

Now let us get to the riots in Delhi.

Some hate/inciteful speeches against Hindus/India/Modi govt by these people before the riots : 
Amantullah (Aam Aadmi Party), PFI office bearer in Karnataka, Swara Bhaskar, Umar Khalid, Waris Pathan (All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen or AIMMM),Sonia Gandhi (Indian National Congress), Rahul Gandhi (Indian National Congress), Priyanka Gandhi Vadra (Indian National Congress), Manish Sisodia (Aam Aadmi Party)

This is not a comprehensive list, but many of the people who are Islamists, pseudo-liberals, hate the BJP etc.

Particularly telling is Waris Pathan's statement "15 crore Muslims will dominate 100 crore Hindus"

Amidst all of these, there were some incteful/hateful statements on the side of Hindus/by BJP as well in retaliation/frustration: Anurag Thakur, Parvesh Verma.

Curiously what gathered the most steam and has been weaponized was the statement of Kapil Mishra (BJP) that if Shaheen Bagh protestors did not stop blocking roads within 3 days, people would come out on the streets and ensure the protestors would stop blocking the roads.

It was wrong, no question. He should have asked police to take care of it. But this was only in response to what was happening and not an explicit call for violence.

After incitement, violence, blocking the roads for > 2 months by many people in the name of anti-CAA protests, these instances are seized and only ones highlighted in major part of western Media/Islamic world as anti-protestors, anti-Muslim only.

Note that riots started on the evening Donald Trump, the US President visited India. Deliberately so to malign Modi, BJP government at a time when spotlight was on India.

Many Hindus and Muslims were killed/injured in the riots. Quite a bit of property was destroyed. Mosques and temples defaced/destroyed. It took about 3 days for the situation to be brought back under control.

Some things to be noted :

1. There were instances of Hindus helping save Muslims/property of Muslims and Muslims helping save Hindus/property of Muslims :

Delhi riots: How Hindus saved lone Muslim family from rioters

Delhi riots: Muslim neighbours brave mob wrath to save Hindus in minority-dominated area

So please do not think that all Hindus in Delhi were against Muslims or all Muslims in Delhi were against Hindus. The violence was limited to specific sections of people.

2. Delhi Police arrests couple linked to ISIS for instigating anti-CAA protests

“Jahanjeb Sami and his wife Hina Bashir Beg are linked to Khorasan Module of the IS. The couple were apprehended from Jamia Nagar in Ohkla. They were instigating anti-CAA protests in the city,” said Pramod Singh Kushwaha, DCP (Special Cell).

3. The Ankit Sharma case :
I'm bring this up for 2 reasons. 
a) To show possibility of foreign/terrorist involvement in his murder.
b) To show western media lies through its teeth.

Ankit Sharma was an Intelligence Bureau officer who was murdered brutally by an Islamist mob which stabbed him repeatedly.

about a) He was an intelligence officer. Did he have some info that would harm expose any nexus with a foreign govt or entity ? How did the mob know he was an intelligence officer ? Wht was he killed so brutally

about part b)

Expelled AAP Corporator Tahir Hussain, Accused in IB Staffer's Murder, Arrested

Expelled Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Councillor Tahir Hussain, who was absconding in connection with the murder case of Intelligence Bureau (IB) staffer Ankit Sharma, was arrested on Thursday after the court rejected his surrender application.

Hussain had on Tuesday moved a Delhi court for anticipatory bail and the court had deferred it for Thursday.

The police had registered an FIR against Hussain on a complaint by Sharma's father.

While an investigation found stones, bricks and petrol bombs on Hussain's rooftop, he continued to deny any involvement in the murder and claimed innocence.

Meanwhile Wall Street Journal published an article stating that Ankit Sharma's brother told them that a Hindu mob chanting Jai Shree Ram was responsible for killing his brother

'Wall Street Journal is lying': Ankit Sharma's brother slams WSJ for saying 'mob chanting Jai Shree Ram' killed IB officer

Complaint was lodged against WSJ for this.

Acting on complaint against @WSJ, @DGPMaharashtra transferred matter to @DelhiPolice
 for "necessary action". Plaint was lodged for "defaming particular religion&spreading communal tension" with respect to alleged misreporting on #DelhiViolence  &murder of IB official #AnkitSharma 

4. If there is still any doubt that some of the violence against Hindus was not pre-planned or that this was only anti-Muslim violence, this below instance should clear that completely.

The Northeast Delhi rioters who grievously injured DCP Amit Sharma in Gokulpuri on 24 February had pre-planned the attack, as per his wife Pooja Sharma, News18 has reported.

As per the DCP’s wife, the attack began when he went on the spot to hold talks with women rioters. Initially there were around 1,000 to 1,200 women present who called upon the DCP to hold talks with them.

She added that after he obliged and went for the meeting, the women suddenly surrounded him, followed by men. Suddenly, one of the woman rioter pulled away his helmet and he was attacked with hockey sticks and iron rods. His wife adds that the rioters were also carrying knives and pistols.

The DCP fell unconscious due to the attack and it took a heroic effort by ACP Anuj Sharma who bravely rescued him despite having suffered injuries himself. The relentless mob though kept pelting stones on the cops even when they were retreating with the injured DCP.

So to sum it up, many powerful forces, both inside and outside India are desperate to malign Modi, BJP, are passively or agressively against Hinduism, against India playing a more important role internationally. The riots were caused by this and so is the propaganda in most of Western/Islamic world.

Read this for more mythbusting regarding Modi/BJP : 

Note that this in no way is meant to justify the Hindu mobs which killed/injured innocent Muslims in Delhi. But as this article has shown conclusively, Muslim mobs killed/injured Hindus, including cops & intelligence officers. But the latter has not been reported in the Western press/press in Islamic countries. It has been cast as an anti-Muslim pogrom when it is clear that this was an out of control riot (not a pogrom) where some Muslims rioted, some Hindus responded and both Hindus and Muslims were killed/injured.

May be there be peace, healing, strength and justice for those affected.


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