Tulsi Gabbard on criminal justice reform

Criminal justice reform:

“As president I’ll end the failed war on drugslegalize marijuanaend cash bail, and ban private prisons and bring about real criminal justice reform.”

“We must stand up against for-profit, private prisons and a criminal justice system that favors the rich and powerful and punishes the poor, locking up people who smoke marijuana and ignoring corps like Purdue Pharma responsible for thousands of opioid-related deaths.”


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Re-introduces Opioid Crisis Accountability Act:

This bill would prohibit the illegal marketing and distribution of opioids as well as create criminal liability for top company executives, penalizing drug manufacturers who illegally advertise, market, or distribute an opioid product. The bill would also require drug makers to reimburse the country for the negative economic impact of their products.


See the section/article on Tulsi’s position on "Ending the failed war on Drugs" for more details on criminal justice reform in that aspect.

Our @ACLU_NH colleague Jeanne got a commitment from Tulsi Gabbard to reduce incarceration by 50%.
Specifically, Gabbard said she would end:

🛑 Mandatory minimums
🛑 Cash bail
🛑 The failed war on drugs

#RightsForAll https://twitter.com/aclu/status/1121876780317650944?lang=en

Justice for All — Tulsi Gabbard at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Forum. This is a brilliant speech from Tulsi where she goes in-depth about criminal justice reform. She covers many areas and shows understanding, depth and nuance about criminal justice reform that is rarely seen.

Now for something really interesting, here is Tulsi talking about Epstein in this regard !

“You have a multi-millionaire named Jeffrey Epstein, who went to jail in Florida for molesting girls. He was allowed to leave prison 12 hours a day, 6 days a week on a work-release program, even allowed to return back to his mansion while he was “serving” time. Why not have house arrest and work release options ready for everyday Americans who commit nonviolent offenses instead of only offering these options as a loophole for the rich and the powerful to exploit”

Video here -> https://twitter.com/mkabhijit2/status/1228662168343601154
Tulsi was an original co-sponsor of Trafficking Survivors Relief Act

Mrs. WAGNER (for herself, Ms. GABBARD, and Mr. JOLLY) introduced the following bill : H.R. 459 Trafficking Survivors Relief Act in 2017.

This bill amends the federal criminal code to establish a process to vacate convictions and expunge arrests for criminal offenses committed by trafficking victims that directly result from or relate to having been a trafficking victim.


Also check for some more information, including legislations supported :



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