Tulsi Gabbard important points regarding various issues
Environment : Best legislation - actual bill - to combat climate change - OFF Fossil Fuels Act (Sept 2017): The bill transitions the US away from all fossil fuels, including nuclear. No new fossil fuel projects in the US (including no new fracking projects). Ends fossil fuel subsidies, redirects to renewable sources of energy. Unemployment benefits, training and jobs for those affected by transition away from fossil fuels. Recognises that poor people, people of colour and tribes are disproportionately affected by pollutants and offers preventive/corrective measures. “Climate change solutions require cooperation with China/Russia, which new Cold War makes impossible. As president, I’ll stand up against the military industrial complex & warmongering media—Will anyone else? If not, their “plans” re climate change are worthless #ClimateTownHall” Hemp for Victory Act (HR 3652): Research into Hemp as an alternative to plastics, its ability to prevent soil erosion and ...