Tulsi Gabbard important points regarding various issues
Environment :
Best legislation - actual bill - to combat climate change - OFF Fossil Fuels Act (Sept 2017):
The bill transitions the US away from all fossil fuels, including nuclear.
No new fossil fuel projects in the US (including no new fracking projects).
Ends fossil fuel subsidies, redirects to renewable sources of energy.
Unemployment benefits, training and jobs for those affected by transition away from fossil fuels.
Recognises that poor people, people of colour and tribes are disproportionately affected by pollutants and offers preventive/corrective measures.
“Climate change solutions require cooperation with China/Russia, which new Cold War makes impossible. As president, I’ll stand up against the military industrial complex & warmongering media—Will anyone else? If not, their “plans” re climate change are worthless #ClimateTownHall”
Hemp for Victory Act (HR 3652):
Research into Hemp as an alternative to plastics, its ability to prevent soil erosion and
even its ability to clear contaminants from nuclear sites
Water is life
has been fighting for clean water since her teen years
personally visited Flint, Michigan and fought for federal legislation to address the drinking water crisis nationally
Tulsi spoke strongly against DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) as it was a threat to essential water sources.
Tulsi went to Standing Rock and stood there in solidarity with the protestors. The only current candidate to do so.
"We need to ban all products containing glyphosate, including Roundup. It's poisoning our people, butterflies and other insects, the land and the water."
Election integrity :
Introduced the Securing America’s elections Act in March 2018:
Auditable paper ballot
Voter verified paper ballots that produce an auditable paper trail
incentivizes the use of safe and secure software in voting machines (open source)
Reintroduced in March 2019.
Protection against any sort of election interference - internal (any US entity) or external (any foreign country).
H.R.1 — that limits removing voters from voter rolls.
H.R.712 — John Tanner Fairness and Independence in Redistricting Act to prevent gerrymandering
H.R.540 — Presidential Tax Disclosure Act of 2017 to require the disclosure of the Federal income tax returns of the President.
Petition ending the Democratic Party’s use of superdelegates. (June 2016)
Calling for transparency in determination of pollsters/schedule used for debates
Calling for resignation of Tom Perez over Iowa fiasco & changing rules just to allow billionnaire Bloomberg on stage
Whistleblower protection/1A rights
only candidate to come out and unequivocally say she would pardon/drop the charges on whistleblowers Manning/Snowden
there should be an actual channel for whistle-blowers like them to bring forward information that exposes egregious abuses of our constitutional rights and liberties
only candidate to come out and unequivocally say she would pardon/drop the charges on journalist/publisher Assange
Assange arrest poses a great threat to freedom of the press and freedom of speech
This … threatens every American — the message … we are getting is 'Be quiet, toe the line, otherwise there will be consequences
called out the brazenly BS charges of hacking levied against journalist Glenn Greenwald by the Brazilian govt
Foreign policy : (to be completed)
End unnecessary/wasteful wars :
No More Presidential Wars Act (Only Congress can declare war - makes it impeachable offense for President to start a war without authorisation from Congress)
Bring troops home :
Bring back troops from Iraq ASAP (confrontation with Iran means focus is on defending vs Iran, not fighting Al Qaeda/ISIS)
bring back troops from Afghanistan within 1st year
brings back troops from Syria - H.Con Res 77 (minus those authorized to and actually engaged in fighting terrorist groups there)
Non-interventionism :
“What happened in Bolivia is a coup. Period. The United States and other countries should not be interfering in the Bolivian people's pursuit of self-determination and right to choose their own government.”
The United States needs to stay out of Venezuela. Let the Venezuelan people determine their future. We don't want other countries to choose our leaders--so we have to stop trying to choose theirs.
Nuclear detente, de-escalate, INF:
Get back into INF treaty with Russia
Introduced INF Treaty Compliance Act (H.R. 1249)
Get back into Iran nuclear deal
Work to improve Iran nuclear deal
End new cold war and arms race :
“On day one of my presidency, I will call a summit between the United States, China, and Russia to work to end the new Cold War, stop the arms race, and reduce tensions and increase cooperation going forward."
Doomsday clock at 100 seconds to midnight - closer than ever before
Fighting terrorism :
Stop Arming Terrorists Act (HR 608)
No More Presidential Wars Act (US regime change wars have fuelled terrorism)
Use inclusivism and respect to fight/cut down influence exclusivist ideologies that fuel terrorism
Israel/Palestine :
Believes in Israel’s right to exist
Is for a peaceful, negotiated 2-state solution between Israel and Palestine
It is upto Israel-Palestine to resolve the issue. US and other entities can and should only play a fair and supportive role.
Voted against Israeli annexation of Palestine in early 2017 (H.Res 11)
Only candidate to speak out against Israeli annexation of Golan heights
Only candidate to criticise Netanyahu on his role in stoking war between US&Iran
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