Tulsi Gabbard on environment
Tulsi sponsored the strongest piece of legislation ever introduced in Congress to combat climate change – The Off Fossil Fuels Act.
By 2027: (1) 80% of electricity sold must be generated from clean energy resources, (2) 80% of new vehicle sales from manufacturers must be sales of zero-emission vehicles, and (3) 80% of train rail lines and train engines must be electrified. By 2035: (1) 100% of electricity must be generated from clean energy resources, (2) 100% of vehicle sales from manufacturers must be zero-emission vehicles, and (3) 100% of train rail lines and train engines must be electrified.
The bill transitions the US away from all fossil fuels, including nuclear. Bans fracking. No new fossil fuel projects in the US. Ends fossil fuel subsidies, redirects to renewable sources of energy. Unemployment benefits, training and jobs for those affected by transition away from fossil fuels. Recognises that poor people, people of colour and tribes are disproportionately affected by pollutants and offers preventive/corrective measures.
Tulsi spoke strongly against DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) as it was a threat to essential water sources. She went to Standing Rock and stood there in solidarity with the protestors. The only current candidate to do so. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/hawaiis-tulsi-gabbard-joi_b_13405756
Finally the connection of this with foreign policy :
“Climate change solutions require cooperation with China/Russia, which new Cold War makes impossible. As president, I’ll stand up against the military industrial complex & warmongering media—Will anyone else? If not, their “plans” re climate change are worthless #ClimateTownHall”
This is extremely important. She is the one who has put the most emphasis on this. She is also the only candidate who has not demonised Russia or China.
Hemp :
One of the biggest threats to our environment is plastic waste. An easy way of combating this problem is by the use of natural products like hemp. Tulsi introduced the “Hemp for Victory Act” legislation in Congress. Part of the legislation focuses on research into the plant as an alternative to plastics and its ability to prevent soil erosion.
Among other areas of investigation, it would mandate research into everything from the use of hemp food products for public school lunches to the potential therapeutic value of the crop’s extracts for veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder to even its ability to clear contaminants from nuclear sites.
There are many others that could be brought up regarding her dedications and contributions towards preserving and saving the environment. But let me just finish with this for now.
Tulsi is a lifelong environmentalist, who has been an activist on the environment since she was a teenager, traveling to schools across Hawai’i to educated students on the importance of watersheds and related environmental issues.
In a recent interview, Tulsi mentioned that Climate change has unfortunately become such a polarising term. She said the way to deal with this is to split it into : who wants clean air, clean water, who wants to preserve mountains/oceans etc. These are things that most people, if not all, will raise their hands and say yes to.
Even though Tulsi is best known for her great foreign policy now, her love of the environment is what drove her to join politics in the first place.
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