Tulsi Gabbard is amazing on domestic issues part2

This is part2.
Find link to part1 here :


Here are issues in domestic policy (at least part of the issue is domestic) where Tulsi is the best among the current candidates, in my opinion. You can either read details about them in the article text below or click on the links here to go through by topic.
I’m going to cover these in this article :
  • Criminal justice reform
  • Ending the war on drugs
  • Against cruelty to animals
  • Regenerative farming
  • Preventive Healthcare
  • Decriminalisation of sex work
  • Veterans issues
Others were already covered in part1.

Criminal justice reform:

“As president I’ll end the failed war on drugs, legalize marijuana, end cash bail, and ban private prisons and bring about real criminal justice reform.”

“We must stand up against for-profit, private prisons and a criminal justice system that favors the rich and powerful and punishes the poor, locking up people who smoke marijuana and ignoring corps like Purdue Pharma responsible for thousands of opioid-related deaths.”


Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Re-introduces Opioid Crisis Accountability Act:

This bill would prohibit the illegal marketing and distribution of opioids as well as create criminal liability for top company executives, penalizing drug manufacturers who illegally advertise, market, or distribute an opioid product. The bill would also require drug makers to reimburse the country for the negative economic impact of their products.


See the section/article on Tulsi’s position on "Ending the failed war on Drugs" for more details on criminal justice reform in that aspect.

Our @ACLU_NH colleague Jeanne got a commitment from Tulsi Gabbard to reduce incarceration by 50%.
Specifically, Gabbard said she would end:

🛑 Mandatory minimums
🛑 Cash bail
🛑 The failed war on drugs

#RightsForAll https://twitter.com/aclu/status/1121876780317650944?lang=en

Justice for All — Tulsi Gabbard at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Forum. This is a brilliant speech from Tulsi where she goes in-depth about criminal justice reform. She covers many areas and shows understanding, depth and nuance about criminal justice reform that is rarely seen.

Now for something really interesting, here is Tulsi talking about Epstein in this regard !

“You have a multi-millionaire named Jeffrey Epstein, who went to jail in Florida for molesting girls. He was allowed to leave prison 12 hours a day, 6 days a week on a work-release program, even allowed to return back to his mansion while he was “serving” time. Why not have house arrest and work release options ready for everyday Americans who commit nonviolent offenses instead of only offering these options as a loophole for the rich and the powerful to exploit”

Video here -> https://twitter.com/mkabhijit2/status/1228662168343601154
Tulsi was an original co-sponsor of Trafficking Survivors Relief Act

Mrs. WAGNER (for herself, Ms. GABBARD, and Mr. JOLLY) introduced the following bill : H.R. 459 Trafficking Survivors Relief Act in 2017.

This bill amends the federal criminal code to establish a process to vacate convictions and expunge arrests for criminal offenses committed by trafficking victims that directly result from or relate to having been a trafficking victim.


Also check for some more information, including legislations supported :


Ending the failed war on drugs:

Let us get to what prohibition/war on drugs has led to.
This is a list of some of the problems prohibition/war on drugs has led to.

  • Prohibition, Tainted Drugs, Illness, and Overdose
  • Prohibition and Drug-Related Disease
  • Prohibition and Violence
  • Prohibition and Cartels
  • Prohibition and Corruption
And more ..

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: Drug use and addiction requires healthcare, not incarceration

While speaking at the Second Step 2019 Presidential Justice Forum in South Carolina, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard spoke about the importance of healthcare and treatment for people with drug abuse and addiction issues, saying that they require healthcare and treatment.


Ending the failed war on drugs starts off with marijuana. Let us take a look at her position/actions on this.

Reps. Don Young (R-Alaska) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), a 2020 presidential candidate, introduced a pair of bipartisan marijuana reform bills Thursday.

The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act would take marijuana off of the federal controlled substances list, giving full authority to states to regulate the substance without federal interference.
And the Marijuana Data Collection Act would evaluate the effects of marijuana legalization in states that have already done so.

Tulsi is a co-sponsor of H.R.3884 - Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act of 2019:

To decriminalize and deschedule cannabis, to provide for reinvestment in certain persons adversely impacted by the War on Drugs, to provide for expungement of certain cannabis offenses, and for other purposes.

Here is a link for some more info on Tulsi’s positions and legislative actions on marijuana:


Here is information about Tulsi’s position and actions with respect to the topic of opioid addiction :


Portugal model of decriminalization of drugs :

In July 2001, a new law maintained the status of illegality for using or possessing any drug for personal use without authorization. The offense was changed from a criminal one, with prison a possible punishment, to an administrative one if the amount possessed was no more than a ten-day supply of that substance.[2] This was in line with the de facto Portuguese drug policy before the reform. Drug addicts were then to be aggressively targeted with therapy or community service rather than fines or waivers.[10] Even if there are no criminal penalties, these changes did not legalize drug use in Portugal. Possession has remained prohibited by Portuguese law, and criminal penalties are still applied to drug growers, dealers and traffickers.[11][12] Despite this, the law was still associated with a nearly 50% decrease in convictions and imprisonments of drug traffickers from 2001 to 2015.[13]


Tulsi talking about decriminalization of drugs following Portugal model

This is from a Reddit AMA about 5 months ago :

Q. With regard to ending the failed drug war (that has been catastrophic) how would that look? A Portugal model of decriminalizing most drugs? Referring users to free treatment facilities? : 

Tulsi's Answer : "I couldn't agree more that this war on drugs has been an abject failure and it must end. It has ruined people's lives, torn families apart, placed a tremendous burden on taxpayers, and overburdened an already broken criminal justice system. What to speak of the fact it has had a disproportionate negative impact on poor people and communities of color. I've introduced the only bipartisan bill in Congress to end the federal prohibition on marijuana and believe that all civil and criminal records related marijuana offenses should be expunged. I've been looking at the Portugal model and think we can take some important lessons learned from what they've done. We must decriminalize drug possession -- will maintaining drug trafficking and selling as illegal. We should not see drug addiction as a criminal problem -- it is one that requires treatment, and we need to provide the resources necessary to provide that treatment to all who need it. The path to recovery is tough and we as a society should support those who are walking that difficult path. I think it's important that we also need to recognize that those who are responsible for pushing highly addictive opioids on people in this country have gotten off scot-free. Whether it's big Pharma, doctors, pharmacists, hospitals or others -- they need to know that they will personally be held accountable for irresponsibly proliferating these drugs that have taken so many people's lives. There's so much more to say on this! Stay tuned - will roll out my plan on this with more details."

Legalizing and regulating drugs

In January 2020. This happened at a Tulsi town hall.

“If we take that step to legalize and regulate, then we’re no longer treating people who are struggling with substance addiction and abuse as criminals and instead getting them the help that they need,” the 2020 presidential candidate said at a campaign stop in Merrimack, New Hampshire on Friday.

She was responding to a voter who asked whether her plan to end the war on drugs centered on more harm reduction and treatment or if it involved moving to “legalize and regulate narcotics so that you’re no longer seeing tainted drugs on the street…and involvement in the black market.”

The congresswoman replied that her answer was “all of the above.”

“The costs and the consequence to this failed war on drugs is so vast and far reaching, socially and fiscally, that if we take these necessary steps, we’ll be able to solve a lot of other problems that we’re dealing with in this country,” she said.

Apart from the 2 benefits of legalization and regulation of drugs mentioned above, you also have : 

The peer added: ‘It is better to sell mild and medically safe versions of drugs that give a high than ones sold by gangsters that kill thousands.’

Against cruelty to animals:

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard has been an advocate for the ethical and humane treatment of animals throughout her work in Congress, and recently scored a 100% from The Humane Society of the United States. Here's some of the legislation she’s worked on to prevent animal cruelty and animal testing for cosmetics, protect endangered species, increase funding for vital animal protection provisions, and more:


The above is from March 2017.

In Aug 2019, Animal Wellness Action Applauds U.S. Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, and Ed Case for Supporting Legislation to End Horse Abuse

Here is a short video in Aug 2019 : Tulsi Gabbard discusses animal rights and being vegan

Tulsi has been a lifelong vegetarian and has been a vegan for several years.

Stop senseless slaughter of animals . eg : “Unnecessarily medical professionals are still using animals for training when we see many other advanced countries in the world have stopped that practice and are using science&technology to be able to get the kind of training that they need”

She then speaks out against unethical treatment of animals in factory farms across the country.

In general, she talks about the positives of being vegan, but emphasizes that she would never force the choice of vegetarianism/veganism on anyone or shame anyone for not being vegetarian/vegan.

Preventive healthcare:

“Too many people in this country are getting sick without the care that they need. As president, I will work to ensure all Americans have quality healthcare incentivized to increase health and prevent and heal disease.”

"I support a single-payer system that will allow individuals to access private insurance if they choose. I will also incentivize good health choices and lifestyles for a healthier, wealthier nation!"

"Unfortunately, we don’t have healthcare in this country—we have sick care. We’ve created a massive for-profit entity incentivized to keep people sick and on drugs. As president, I will work to build a healthcare system incentivized to increase health and prevent & heal disease"

Here are some of her ideas regarding preventive healthcare :

"We need to ban all products containing glyphosate, including Roundup. It's poisoning our people, butterflies and other insects, the land and the water."

Common weed killer glyphosate increases cancer risk by 41%, study says

"We need to get serious about fighting cancer by resolving to take on the powerful forces in our society that profit from it. We need a green economy that rewards clean energy industries & ensures access to fresh, affordable, pesticide-free foods for all. "

".@JeffDSachs is absolutely right. The pharmaceutical industry and corporations undermining food safety play a major hand in fueling the opioid and obesity crises. They must be held accountable."

Water is life:
  • Tulsi recognizes that “water is life” and has been fighting for clean water since her teen years
  • Tulsi has personally visited Flint, Michigan and fought for federal legislation to address the drinking water crisis nationally
  • See also DAPL and Red Hill 
  • Tulsi has also spoken to protect Bristol Bay, Alaska from the Pebble Mine project
“No matter if it's contaminated by mining, agriculture, or failing infrastructure, water pollution is a public health crisis. Everyone deserves access to clean water. We need to address this now.” https://twitter.com/TulsiGabbard/status/963077012670877696

For more information on her stances and actions relating to ensuring clean water, check this :

Regular excercise, yoga, meditation etc. are also aspects of preventive healthcare. Tulsi promotes this through her own  example.

See the sections/articles on : Environment, Ending the War on Drugs, Criminal Justice System for some the actions she has taken for preventive healthcare.

This includes protecting and ensuring safe air, water, food ; fighting the opiod crisis, holding to account those involved in knowingly&insidiously harming the health of people. 

Farming, Food Security,Sustainability and Regenerative Agriculture :

Tulsi advocates for small farmers, food self-sufficiency, organic agriculture and sustainable agricultural systems that are both profitable for farmers and good for the environment.
In November 2017, Tulsi was recognized as a top national advocate for food policy by Food Policy Action

The release of their 2017 National Food Policy Scorecard recognized the congresswoman’s advocacy to raise the minimum wage, uphold the Clean Water Act, secure paid sick days for working families, protect against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, as well as to support food safety, food access, farm subsidies, animal welfare, food and farm labor, nutrition, food additives, food transparency, local and regional food production, organic farming and more.

In July 2018, Tulsi introduced H.R.6474 - AG RESEARCH Act

Augmenting Research and Educational Sites to Ensure Agriculture Remains Cutting-Edge and Helpful Act

The bill requires the Department of Agriculture to: (1) establish a grant program within the National Institute of Food and Agriculture to provide agricultural research facilities with a federal share of the cost for the alteration, modernization, renovation, or remodeling of the research facilities or the equipment necessary for agricultural research; and (2) use specified Commodity Credit Corporation funds to provide direct payments to research facilities of the Agricultural Research Service for addressing deferred maintenance.

In January 2020,

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) introduced H.R.5612, The Small Business and Community Investments Expansion Act, which will allow certain community development financial institutions (CDFIs) and credit unions who are members of a Federal Home Loan Bank to finance small business, agricultural, and community development activities.

Tulsi voted NO on bill that hurts small farmers and favors corporate agribusiness:

The Agriculture and Nutrition Act of 2018 (H.R. 2), known as the Farm Bill, would provide disproportionate benefit to large agribusinesses, investment banks, and Wall Street, while undermining family farmers and rural agriculture development.


Tulsi has advocated for sensible, transparent food policy (including GMO labeling). For more information on this, check this :

On fighting invasive species affecting farming and ecosystem :

Tulsi introduced Areawide Integrated Pest Management Act of 2018 or the AIPM Act of 2018 :

This bill amends the Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998 to expand the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program to include grants to colleges, universities, and other entities for qualified areawide integrated pest management projects to prevent the spread of pests and invasive species.

Tulsi is also fully aware that toxic pesticides should not be used to get rid of pests/invasive species as they end up harming in the long run. That is why she was an original co-sponsor of :  
H.R.230 — Ban Toxic Pesticides Act of 2019

For some of her statements/actions/legislations regarding this, check :

No other candidate has advocated for regenerative agriculture as much as Tulsi has.

"Environmental degradation has taken us past the point where we can simply “sustain” the status quo. We need regenerative agriculture to actively rebuild one of our most valuable national resources - our farmland."

  • Tulsi supports regenerative agriculture to actively rebuild one of our most valuable national resources - our farmland
Some other steps she supports for farming and food security: 
  • Tulsi strongly supports food self-sufficiency including working together to build food aggregation and distribution hubs that serve our farmers, distributors, and local communities to promote self sufficiency
  • Tulsi also supports a permanent home for farmers markets, incubator farms, farm-to-school and other educational programs and agri-tourism
  • Tulsi has also strongly advocated for the legalization of hemp production for profitable, sustainable agricultural development

For more info on this and the legislation she has introduced/supported, check this :


Decriminalisation of sex work:

Benefits of decriminalisation of sex work : 

1. Improves access to health services, reduces risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted services:
This is the same policy held by other organizations and agencies, including Human Rights Watch, the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, leading HIV and AIDS groups and leading advocates for LGBTI rights. It is also supported by the medical journal The Lancet, which said that decriminalization “would have the greatest effect on the course of HIV epidemics across all settings, averting 33-46 percent of HIV infections in the next decade. Such a move would also reduce mistreatment of sex workers and increase their access to human rights, including health care.”

2. Full decriminalization reduces the risk that sex workers will be vulnerable to discrimination, eviction or arrest for related charges.

3. Decriminalizing sex work still means trafficking and other abuses are illegal :
Removing criminal penalties for sex work does not remove penalties for exploitation, forced labor, violence, trafficking, rape or sexual assault — including of minors.

4. Criminalizing buyers does not protect sex workers :
Sex workers are often forced to put the protection of their clients above their own well-being. This pushes sex work further underground, making it difficult to seek help when needed. Sex workers are also forced to meet clients in hidden places where the risks to their safety are higher, rather than places where they know they will be safe.

5. Decriminalization is just one step in protecting the human rights of sex workers, but it is an important one :
Sex workers must also have a say in developing laws that affect their lives and safety. But without decriminalization, they cannot expect equal treatment under the law to achieve these ends.

Paraphrased from :


Even if you morally disagree with sex work, there is real strong, clear evidence that criminalization of sex work harms the society significantly and that decriminalization of sex work would help quite a bit.

Tulsi was the first among the currently active candidates to come out clearly in support of decriminalization of sex work. In March 2019 : 

A majority of Americans now favor "removing criminal penalties for adults to sell and pay for consensual sex," with support particularly high among Democrats and younger voters but also crossing party and age lines. Yet most of the Democrats running for president prefer to keep quiet about sex work issues, and only one remaining candidate—Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D–Hawaii)—has publicly expressed support for decriminalizing prostitution.

"If a consenting adult wants to engage in sex work, that is their right, and it should not be a crime," Gabbard said in a statement this weekend to Reason. "All people should have autonomy over their bodies and their labor."

Gabbard is the only one to get a good grade on a recent report card put out by the group Decriminalize Sex Work (DSW). "Gabbard supports the full decriminalization of sex work, which removes criminal and civil penalties from adults engaged in consensual acts of prostitution," the group reports.
DSW gave Gabbard an A-.
DSW gave Warren a C+ and Sanders a C, the same grade given to Pete Buttigieg.


Veterans issues:

Tulsi enlisted in the Hawaii Army National Guard in 2003 and continues to serve as a Major. She is the first female combat veteran to run for President.
Tulsi served in a field medical unit of the Hawaii Army National Guard in Iraq from 2004 to 2005 and was deployed to Kuwait from 2008 to 2009 as Army Military Police platoon leader.

When deployed in Iraq at the height of the war, she was hit with the enduring pain and hardship of her brothers and sisters in uniform, and the stress and pressure on their families. 
Having experienced first-hand the true cost of war, she made a personal vow to find a way to ensure that our country doesn’t continue repeating the mistakes of the past, sending our troops into war without a clear mission, strategy, or purpose.

"It is our nation’s responsibility to ensure that our veterans receive the care, services, and benefits they’ve earned and deserve. Taking care of our brothers and sisters in uniform who have selflessly served our country must be a priority for Congress and our country. To honor our veterans, military service members, and their families for their service to our great country, it is my personal commitment to never send our troops into harms’ way unless absolutely necessary."

Helping Heroes Fly Act
In her first year in Congress, Tulsi passed the very first bill she introduced, the Helping Heroes Fly Act, with unanimous support. This law ensures our disabled and severely wounded warriors receive dignified treatment and privacy while going through what could sometimes be painful or embarrassing airport security checkpoints. 

Combating Sexual Assault in the Military
Tulsi has worked hard to combat the serious epidemic of military sexual assault in our ranks. In her first year in Congress, Tulsi introduced the Military Justice Improvement Act (MJIA). This bipartisan bill aims to increase transparency and restore the faith of military sexual assault survivors by removing decision-making from the chain of command, and empowering experienced military trial counsel to determine whether to take a case to a special or general court-martial proceeding.

Passing Legislation to Address the VA Healthcare Crisis
In 2014, our country's failure to fulfill its promise to our veterans was starkly exposed. At the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), veterans faced wait times of 90 days or more to see a doctor. Hawaiʻi veterans experienced the worst wait times in the country, averaging 145 days—almost five months—for a simple primary care visit. Tulsi introduced a bill called the Access to Care and Treatment (ACT) Now for Veterans Act to allow veterans not being served by the VA to get the immediate care they need from non-VA medical providers. Provisions from the bill were ultimately included in the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act that became law at the end of 2014.

Tulsi has also introduced legislation to hold VA officials responsible for ensuring our nation's veterans get the care and services they need and are not rewarded for their malpractice. Even after the VA scandal in 2014, veteran wait times have increased. The Veterans Administration Bonus Elimination Act will help to better ensure timely delivery of care to our military veterans.
Launching the Bipartisan Post 9/11 Veterans Caucus
On the 12th Anniversary of the Iraq War, Tulsi launched the bipartisan Congressional Post 9/11 Veterans Caucus to provide a forum for the more than 2.8 million men and women who have returned home since 9/11. The caucus is made up of members of Congress who share the experience of this newest generation of veterans, and is focused on ensuring that the unique concerns of post-9/11 veterans are addressed and that their ideas and potential are realized. Together, the caucus has worked to pass legislation like the Clay Hunt SAV Act to help our returning service members get access to quality mental health care. Tulsi has introduced legislation like the bipartisan Veterans Entry to Apprenticeship Act to help returning veterans transition to the civilian workforce by enabling them to use their GI Bill benefits for apprenticeship programs in the skilled-trade industry.

Fighting to Protect Military Children from Child Abuse
Over the past decade, there have been over 29,000 cases of child abuse and neglect in military homes. Tulsi introduced Talia’s Law, named for Talia Williams, a five year old who was beaten to death by her father, a Soldier who was stationed in Hawai’i at the time. Talia’s Law aims to prevent child abuse and neglect on military bases by mandating training and requiring members of the Armed Forces and civilians working in military institutions to immediately report suspected cases of abuse to State Child Protective Services. Talia’s Law was signed into law under the FY17 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on December 23, 2016. 

Source : https://gabbard.house.gov/military-veterans
This link contains a lot more information about her positions/actions with respect to helping veterans and service members, including press releases.

Check this link for some information about the her positions/actions for helping veterans :

Tulsi has led efforts to help service members who have been exposed to burn pits while on active duty, along with their families. For more information, check this link : 

On employment for veterans :
“Veterans today are still treated like a number. Veterans who come home are still facing unemployment and homelessness, even though our veterans are coming home highly trained, highly equipped, leaders, experienced in making decisions in the toughest, most high-pressured environments, assets to any organization or business that chooses to hire them. Let’s recognize that as this country, and make it so that our veterans are the first ones that are hired. They recognize that value, that service.”

Here is a clip from Tulsi's CNN Townhall in March 2019.
A fellow veteran asks her about her views on sexual assault in the military - a pretty emotional interaction. The moderator Dana Bash follows up with a question of her own.

A recent statement from Tulsi:

"As a soldier of 17 years who served two tours of duty in the Middle East, I know the cost of war and the importance of taking care of our service men and women. When I’m president, every veteran who walks into a VA clinic will find a red carpet and 5-star customer service."



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