1. AOC defers to caucus leadership on Venezuela regime change in 2019 :
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is apparently refraining from weighing in on the uprising in Venezuela, saying she'll 'defer to caucus leadership.' A report from National Review outlines the split within the Democratic Party regarding foreign policy on whether the U.S. should intervene militarily and whether to recognize Nicolás Maduro or Juan Guaidó as Venezuela's legitimate president.
This one is from May 2019.
Maduro is the legitimate President of Venezuela. Guaido does not have any standing in this regard. Why would you have to refer to caucus leadership for this if you are principled?
In Jan end 2019 :
Max Blumenthal : "Any comment on the situation in Venezuela?"
AOC: "Yeah, we are working on a response, but thank you"
At 2:48 :
AOC in Aug 2017 :
"Trump's insinuation of regime change in Venezuela is disastrous."
Oh, really? What happened after you joined Congress in 2019? Why defer to caucus leadership in 2019 on the same issue?
2. Ocasio-Cortez Slams Israeli 'Occupation,' Walks It Back: I Am 'Not the Expert'
In an interview with PBS Firing Line host Margaret Hoover, Ocasio-Cortez said, "What people are starting to see, at least in the occupation of Palestine, is just an increasing crisis of humanitarian condition. That, to me, is just where I tend to come from on this issue."
Asked to explain what she meant by her use of the word "occupation," Ocasio-Cortez said, "Oh, I think what I meant is that the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where Palestinians are experiencing difficulty in access to their housing and homes."
The Democrat, who shocked the country last month with her win over senior Democrat Joseph Crowley in a stunning primary upset, then appeared to walk back her statement, clarifying that she is "not the expert on geopolitics on this issue."
Double speak or not enough guts?
3. AOC's Chief of Staff Saikat lets slip GND a tool to change the economy, not climate change :
AOC's chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, who also lead the overall effort to recruit her previously about the GND :
Chakrabarti had an unexpected disclosure. “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal,” he said, “is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all.”
Ricketts greeted this startling notion with an attentive poker face. “Do you guys think of it as a climate thing?” Chakrabarti continued. “Because we really think of it as a how-do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”
This was in a meeting with Sam Ricketts, climate director for Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D), who was running for president almost exclusively on a platform of combating global warming.
A pretty clostly slip of the tongue from Saikat. This was in early July, 2019
Saikat left AOC's office in early August 2019 to join New Consensus, a nonprofit focused on climate issues and promoting the Green New Deal. Presumed reason was a tweet about Democrats and controversy over border aid package. But the slip of the tongue regarding AOC's GND could very well have been the real reason.
Not only is this a deceitful and hidden fact about the resolution, it hurts the chance of doing anything to help the environment. This also helps feed the Republican anti-climate change narrative, because it’s now considered just a Trojan horse for socialism.
4. The other problems with AOC GND :
As was already shown above, AOC GND was primarily meant to change the entire economy. Giving jobs and training to those displaced or likely to be displaced from non-renewables as a good thing, but a federal jobs guarantee?
For those who champion the GND, its a drag at best.
For a more realistic version IMO, the Federal Jobs Guarantee part of GND is just a way to make more profit for the economy.
Tulsi Gabbard had introduced the Off Fossil Fuels Act(OFF Act) in Sep 2017 to combat climate change. It remains to this day, the most effective legislation to combat climate change.
AOC (&Ilhan and Rashida) had campaigned on it in 2018 and promised to co-sponsor it if elected to Congress
Not one word about it once she (&others) got elected. Instead AOC watered down the Green Party's GND heavily to create her own version of GND. Also no gratitude or hat tip to Green Party from AOC.
Tulsi's OFF Act vs AOC's GND :
OFF Act is an actual actionable bill, GND is just a resolution.
OFF Act puts a moratorium on fracking, AOC's GND doesn't address it.
OFF Act puts a moratorium on nuclear plants, AOC's GND doesn't address it.
OFF Act is precise legislation, AOC's GND is somewhat vague.
Lets take an optimistic PoV saying AOC wanted a framework bigger than just the OFF Act and hence put forward her Green New Deal. OFF Act could have been the way to implement her GND. But nope, nothing on that.
Now a more realistic PoV, AOC wanted :
a) publicity
b) a new tool to change the economy - a new neoliberalish way - which she did in the form of GND.
Some of the other problems with AOC GND are described here :
The Green New Deal is not the litmus test you think it is.
We need to seek nonpartisan solutions to heal our environment.
AOC's GND failed to end $27B a year in fossil fuel and agribiz subsidies
You can check this full article for details :
Niko House in his article :
At the CADEM Convention, I had the pleasure of briefly interviewing Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and she confirmed to me that AOC had not reached out to her to include the OFF Act in the GND despite Gabbard making several attempts to reach out to her.
5. AOC calling Yang's UBI a trojan horse misrepresenting that it takes away all of the substantial safety net:
Here is AOC calling Yang's UBI a trojan horse misrepresenting that it takes away all of the substantial safety net. And the video got ratioed so badly (67 likes to 1.3K dislikes) !
No, AOC, Yang's UBI doesn't take away safety net.
Q : Would it stack with Social Security or Veteran's Disability benefits?
Short answer : Yes.
You can read the full answer on Yang's website :
6. AOC concern trolling about emergency UBI :
AOC on March 16th, 2020:
"BE CAREFUL with UBI proposals you see popping up. They are not all created equal, & they can have large macroeconomic, inflationary & systemic effects. Proposals should be weighed in a larger policy mix incl paymnt suspensions, jobs guarantee, unemp. expansion, paid leave,etc."
Tulsi had already introduced a clean emergency UBI legislation the week before this. 1000$ per adult. No complications, no posion pills. But AOC would not utter a word about it. Instead after falsely accusing Yang's UBI of being a trojan horse months before, she now starts on with concern trolling about emergency UBI.
Scott Santens (one of the UBI guys and advisor to Yang) gave a fitting response to AOC :
"BE CAREFUL with those suggesting there are massive differences in the UBI proposals coming out. We need to get money to everyone and we need to do it immediately. Argue over all that other stuff that would also be helpful in separate bills. Please don't attach UBI to other stuff."
She actually mentioned Romney (a Republican) who came out for UBI after Tulsi did. She did not mention Tulsi's UBI proposal. And went for Ro Khanna and Tim Ryan's means tested UBI :
"GOP & Democrats are both coming to the same conclusion: Universal Basic Income is going to have to play a role in helping Americans weather this crisis.
@RoKhanna& @TimRyan’s proposal goes up to $6,000/mo depending on need. Mitt Romney just came out for a flat $1,000 universal."
Of course she is also being dishonest here by comparing Ro&Tim Ryan's per family UBI to per person UBI of Tulsi or Romney.
From her own squad member Ilhan,
"Means-testing inevitably creates more administrative costs, red tape, and the ability for bureaucrats to deny benefits.
We should expand Medicaid, UI and SNAP, but we must deliver universal funds now!"
7. AOC's tacit support of Bolivia coup:
Initially AOC called it a coup.
AOC shows her true colors -- in support of color revolution.
"A gang of coup supporters, not constituents, were granted instant access, a photo op and promises of ongoing support. Actual constituents, opposing the coup, were shown the door."
She met people supportive of the coup a few days after the coup, but would not give access to constituents opposing the coup.
8. Possible reasons for support of regime change in Venezuela and Bolivia :
a) "AOC claims to be a socialist, bet a Marxist analysis of her positions on Bolivia & Venezuela would examine economic incentives for regime change. Both have mind-blowing amounts of rare earth metals, demand for which would skyrocket with a Green New Deal - AOC's signature proposal"
"Currently the US gets most of its rare minerals from China. The US has a lot of this stuff but mining it here is a non-starter for green groups -- which make up much of AOC's base of support. So she gives cover to coups that would lead to neoliberal rule & get the US better deals"
b) Or could it be that she is just an establishment plant? Lets see if the article can help figure that out.
9. AOC's dangerous lying/propaganda on Modi govt/India :
"President Trump is engaging in arms deals with Modi while his administration is ethnically cleansing the country’s religious minorities. We must not enable this rise in sectarian violence."
This was in early March after the Delhi riots in the end of February.
Modi govt has not indulged in ethnic cleansing of any community.
The Delhi riots which was accused of being an anti-Muslim pogrom in a big chunk of MSM was actually masterminded by Tahir Hussain, a Muslim politician, who wanted to teach Hindus a lesson. Tons of evidence was found at his place months ago and Tahir Hussain confessed to his role in masterminding the riots, along with Khalid Saifi and PFI member Danish.
Modi was not complicit or negligent in the Gujarat 2002 riots. The government at the center at that time was head by Indian National Congress, very hostile to Modi. The investigation was under them for several years and Modi was cleared by a neutral Supreme Court of any negligence or complicity.
"Law and order review meetings were held by Modi and all the things was done to control the situation... the Army was called on time to contain the communal violence."
Also note these :
The BJP has abolished the horrible triple talaq that was used to abuse so many Muslim women.has given and is giving millions of scholarships to Muslims, is funding madrasass+modernizing them by connecting them to mainstream education.
These are just steps specific to helping Muslims. Tons of other programs which help people of all religions like free healthcare for the poorer people, millions of toilets, zero balance bank accounts, generic medicines at low costs etc. have also been implemented by the Modi govt.
10. AOC votes for the 2 trillion CARES act and lies that she voted against it:
Start at 3:33, what AOC said : "Could not bring myself to support this bill"
Voice vote for the CARES Act starts at about 6:09. There is no female voice among the ones who said No.
So how again did AOC vote no for the bill? Answer : She didn't.
The CARES had lot of money for the corporates and only some money for the people and small businesses. Her interview was several days after her vote. In the meantime, she had deservedly got flak and questions about her vote. So she decide to mislead people by lying.
According to Matt Stroller, she knew that the legislation was going to be a corporate bailout weeks in advance and did not warn the people once. She, instead, used the opportunity to grandstand regarding the terrible contents of the bill on the House floor an hour or so before she ultimately voted for the bill. She didn't even join Massie in his attempt to hold legislators accountable for their votes by demanding a roll-call vote, instead of the voice vote.
11. AOC votes against Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act - package for small business, hospitals and testing:
After the hullabaloo of the CARES Act, AOC decided to vote against Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act - this one had funding for small businesses, hospitals and testing and was not a corporate bill like the CARES Act.
She argued her problem with the bill — which was overwhelmingly passed — was “giving Republicans what they want.”
“McConnell is already talking about the deficit the moment we talk about getting people relief,” she told CNN, adding: “That to me is a signal that Republicans are done.”
So partisan hackery and games over what people needed - funding for small businesses, hospitals and testing?
12. No position or weak position on Snowden/Assange:
AOC to my knowledge (I checked) has not spoken out about NSA whistleblower Snowden.
A very weak answer on Assange's arrest, including some shade and no praise of the amazing work Assange has done :
Ms Ocasio-Cortez, known as AOC, said on Thursday there was a specific aspect of Mr Assange’s arrest troubling her, Fox News reported. Speaking to the US media outlet, she said: “There's a lot of concern for folks who disagree or are troubled by Assange's past. To my knowledge, the specific charges that were raised for his extradition were even ones that the Obama administration entertained but turned down because it was kind of beyond the pale in terms of an attack on journalism and journalists.”
The US representative added: “So I'm concerned by that specific aspect very much so in this situation.”
That's a pretty weak response. A good response would have been to Assange did not do anything remotely close to hacking to get his information. He only published the information and did exposed the stuff that establishment did not want to get out. Nothing along the lines of Assange should not be charged/requested for extradition. Her statement was in Apr 2019. Nothing from her on Assange after that.
13. AOC mostly silent on election integrity issues :
a) Did not seriously condemn (did she even condemn it?) the obvious mockery that went on at Iowa primary in Feb 2020. New app that had serious issues. All coin tosses in favour of Buttigieg over Sanders, including one video where person flips it to make it in favour of Buttigieg, no kidding !
b) Won't support bill to stop tampering with ballots via ballot harvesting by political parties or 3rd party interests
Tulsi only mentioned Project Veritas exposing ballot harvesting in Minnesota, which Fox9 also confirmed. She never mentioned Ilhan. The person in the Project Veritas who was illegal ballot harvesting said he was offered money by them to say he was doing it for Ilhan (which is yet to be verified, not to be taken at face value).
Then AOC comes up with this tweet :
".@TulsiGabbard- You, along with everyone else who amplified this fraudulent story, owe Rep. Omar a public apology."
Tulsi hadn't even mentioned Ilhan anywhere and has defended Ilhan atleast 3 times in the past (twice against Islamophobia and once against charges of anti-Semitism). But still she said :
The issue is not about any of us. It's about voter harvesting. Ilhan, I apologize for referencing the PV story as an example without thoroughly vetting it. Now will you support HR8285 to get rid of voter harvesting which undermines our democracy? If not, why not?"
Tulsi's Election Fraud Prevention Act (HR 8285): People seeking to turn in mail in ballots can be assisted by :
Election official
Mail carrier acting in official capacity
Family/household member or caregiver
but NOT
political party
third-party special interest group
A perfectly reasonable bill that allows people to get help from close ones or people in official capacities for voting, while ensuring political parties or third party special interest groups do not get the chance to tamper with ballots while ballot harvesting.
But guess what, no response from AOC (or Ilhan) to this tweet from Tulsi.
Or any other statement on the issue of problems with ballot harvesting.
14. AOC supports censorship :
In a speech at Georgetown University last week, Zuckerberg defended Facebook's policies regarding political ads. "While I worry about an erosion of truth, I don't think most people want to live in a world where you can only post things that tech companies judge to be 100 percent true."
Ocasio-Cortez then asked, "Do you see a potential problem here with a complete lack of fact-checking on political advertisements?"
Zuckerberg attempted to explain the concept behind the First Amendment to the congresswoman and how honesty is usually the best policy. "I think lying is bad, and I think if you were to run an ad that had a lie, that would be bad. That's different from it being, in our position, the right thing to do to prevent your constituents or people in an election from seeing that you had lied."
So AOC is fine with a group of technocrats or third-party hired people imposing what is true and what is not?
That's a form of censorship.
15. AOC cozies up to Pelosi calling her “mama bear of the Democratic Party”
" Nancy Pelosi, that’s (the) mama bear of the Democratic Party," said Ocasio-Cortez (D-Queens). “We are part of a long movement of ancestors and elders that we should always acknowledge.”
So much for fighting the establishment.
16. No defense of fellow progressives or tepid defense at best :
a) AOC did not defend Nina or Brie when Dr. Jason Johnson referred to them as "misfit black girls"
b) AOC did not defend Omar for about 72 hours against charges of anti-semitism. Then
"Unlike this President, Rep. @IlhanMN demonstrated a capacity to acknowledge pain & apologize, use the opportunity to learn abt history of antisemitism,+grow from it while clarifying her stance.
I’m also inspired by Jewish leadership who brought her in, not push her out, to heal."
A tepid defense at best. She used this as an opportunity to attack Trump and somehow make the issue about herself.
c) No words/actions of support to Tulsi. Not even when Hillary Clinton called Tulsi a Russian asset with no evidence whatsoever.
17. AOC's establishment friendly actions :
a) AOC also began boosting Julian Castro's debate performance on twitter, just days after endorsing Sanders. In addition to propping up Castro and Warren, she also fundraised to keep Cory Booker in the race
b) She spent the 10 months prior to endorsing Sanders using her massive platform to boost Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) almost as much as she boosted Sanders. AOC's fundraising team even sent out an email a week or so after she endorsed Sanders to raise money for Elizabeth Warren.
Now let us say she supported Warren as a fellow progressive. (very debatable whether Warren is a progressive). After Warren falsely accused Bernie of being sexist in early January debate, there was no reason to continue to support her, but AOC did continue to support Warren as well even after that debacle.
c) She's endorsed Ed Markey, despite his votes on the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, the 94 Crime Bill (that he refuses to address), his silence regarding Trump hiring mercenaries from a firm piloted by Betsy DeVos's brother who've been kidnapping innocent protestors off the street with no reprimand, and takes the same corporate money that Joe Kennedy rightfully gets backlash for taking.
19. Warren falsely accuses Bernie of being sexist and AOC agrees NeverWarren people are dummies :
In the early January debate, Warren basically falsely accused Bernie of being sexist. She said in a closed conversation that Bernie had told her that he believed a woman could not beat Trump.
Bernie has his faults, but he isn't sexist. Even if one were to assume he is, he is not dumb enough to say it out loud what Warren said he did.
Tulsi :
"I also met with @BernieSanders before announcing my candidacy. We had a nice one-on-one conversation and I informed him that I would be running for President. In that meeting, he showed me the greatest respect and encouragement, just as he always has."
There is no realistic reason to believe what Warren said :
Meanwhile AOC liked this tweet :
"The squad leader aka AOC approved that the #NeverWarren people are dummies and many Bernie supporters are aggressively stupid. No kidding."
You can see the screenshot over here :
19. Establishment support to AOC :
a) Pelosi endorses AOC :
"Speaker Pelosi: "I firmly support Eliot Engel for Congress and I support Alexandria [Ocasio-Cortez] for Congress as well... The people of New York are very blessed to have them both."
b) Support from former DNC chair Howard Dean :
"I am now convinced that AOC has what it takes to run for president and to be President."
c) Meena Harris, Kamala's niece and part of her campaign cheerleading AOC :
This includes stuff like : "Also, "girl"? She's a grown ass woman
@eScarry — a Congresswoman. Respect WOMEN." , "yooo" etc.
Also : "Someone said #AOCplusMe (Pleading face emoticon)"
AOC of course responds to her :
"A lot of folks have been asking for #AOCplusMe shirts, but we‘re struggling to make a design!
Anyone out there want to give it a shot?T-shirt
If so, reply w your design & submit it via this link.
If we find a popular one we’ll reach out abt producing it: https://airtable.com/shr4RMC66CD67K9Os"
d) Neera Tanden says she is a fan of AOC :
"Do you still work for @aoc? I’m a fan of hers. And she seems to be a fan of Hillary’s."
Remember Neera Tanden was Hillary Clinton's right hand. Still possibly is.
e) Maya Harris praises AOC's capitulation to establishment in interview:
the powerful clarity of @AOC’s voice and perspective at this critical moment for our country.
Maya Harris, who ran her sister Kamala's campaign praises her for this interview - an interview where AOC says Biden's position on fracking doesn't bother her.
20. AOC's misdirection and omission regarding debate rules. Tacit support of DNC/Establishent :
Asked about debate rules being changed for Mike Bloomberg the billionnaire.
"DNC would not change its rules for Kamala Harris, Julian Castro and Cory Booker"
a. No mention of Tulsi.
b. Kamala was in every debate when she ran.
https://twitter.com/TheView/status/123017920791488512621. Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany calls out AOC's attention-seeking :
".@PressSec wouldn’t be the first person to mistake a women of color for having a lower position or title than she does, but Kayleigh - in case you haven’t picked up a newspaper in two years, I’m a Congresswoman."
McEnany shows her the transcript where she clearly refers to Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and AOC
Read the transcript, Congresswoman@AOC

22. AOC's narcissism :
"I have an entire TV network dedicated to stoking hatred of me. A white supremacist w/ a popular network show regularly distorts me in dangerous ways, & it’s a normal part of my existence to get death threats from their audience.
You don’t see me complaining abt “cancel culture "
I sympathize about the death threats. They are horrible. But entire network dedicated to stoking hatred of her? The sheer narcissism/arrogance ! No AOC, there is no network dedicated to stoking hatred of you.
23. AOC's divisiveness :
a) About going on Fox :
"I go back and forth on whether to go on Fox News. The main reason I haven’t is squaring the fact that the ad revenue from it bankrolls a white supremacist sympathizer to broadcast an hour-long production of unmitigated racism, without any accountability whatsoever."
But of course your divisive stuff including toxic IDPol doesn't matter, eh?
The amount of propaganda on CNN/MSNBC which are really at the same level as Fox doesn't get anywhere near the criticism from you, does it?
b) Claiming it is sexist to for politicians who is not close with to call her as AOC :
The example of false victimhood that AOC raised and was busted by Press Sec. Kayleigh McEnany is already shown above. That was some time ago though.
This is more recent.
Brad Polumbo :
".@AOC is back on her fake victimhood narrative... now claiming it's "sexist" to call her "AOC" without her title.So, I documented for
@dcexaminer all the times she herself has referred to politicians by first name/without title "
Consider how often you have heard President Trump called “Trump,” former President Barack Obama referred to as “Obama,” and so on. Ocasio-Cortez is creating a sexist victim narrative for herself where none exists.
In fact, she has referred to government officials and colleagues in this exact manner many times. Just on Aug. 20, Ocasio-Cortez referred to “Kamala” and “Biden.” On multiple occasions, the congresswoman has referred to Hillary Clinton as “Hillary.”
Ironically, Ocasio-Cortez regularly refers to Vice President Mike Pence as simply “Pence” but has publicly chastised him for referring to her without her title.
24. AOC Voted for Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 which includes blatant US interference
The President shall report to Congress a list of individuals responsible for committing acts that violate internationally recognized human rights in Hong Kong, including the extrajudicial rendition or torture of any person in Hong Kong. The bill bars such individuals from entering the United States and imposes sanctions on them.
25. AOC voted NO on resolution for US efforts to resolve Israel-Palestine conflict through negotiated two-state solution :
H.Res.326 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through a negotiated two-state solution.
Summary : This resolution expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that only a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can ensure Israel's survival as a secure Jewish and democratic state and fulfill the legitimate aspirations for a Palestinian state. It also expresses the sense that any U.S. proposal to achieve a just, stable, and lasting solution should expressly endorse a two-state solution and discourage steps that would put a peaceful resolution further out of reach.
AOC voted no on this. I did not find any explanation from her on why she did so.
26. Caricature villanization of Trump using Dem establishment propaganda :
a) Equating Trump's diplomatic relations with Kim Jong Un to him supporting the NK despot.
AOC: "One doesn’t need to boost authoritarians to make the point."
Instead of giving credit or encouraging Trump pursuing diplomacy with North Korea, AOC parrots Dems' disingenuous portrayal of such diplomacy as "boosting authoritarians."
b) AOC laughing while saying that November is about stopping fascism in the United States:
Watch the video. AOC is genuinely laughing as she says "November is about, in my opinion, stopping fascism in the United States"
Its because she doesn't believe in that herself. Trump is a narcissist with some authoritarian tendancies, but not a fascist.The mainstay of the Dem platform against Trump is to portray him as a fascist and a traitor owned by Russia. No fascist worth his salt will allow himself to be called a fascist or a traitor.
Yet this is the untenable position of the Dems. AOC has no problem parroting this disingenuous propaganda, which she herself doesn't believe.
27. AOC makes a Twitter thread about how cancel culture isn't "real". Then cancels a food distributor Goya because the CEO has different political beliefs than her (praised Trump)
28. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s very bad defense of her falsehoods
But she’s also shown a tendency to exaggerate or misstate basic facts. And her defense of this in a Sunday interview with “60 Minutes” was very bad.
AOC: "$21 TRILLION of Pentagon financial transactions “could not be traced, documented, or explained.”
$21T in Pentagon accounting errors. Medicare for All costs ~$32T.
That means 66% of Medicare for All could have been funded already by the Pentagon.
And that’s before our premiums."
COOPER: One of the criticisms of you is that-- that your math is fuzzy. The Washington Post recently awarded you four Pinocchios --
OCASIO-CORTEZ: Oh my goodness --
COOPER: -- for misstating some statistics about Pentagon spending?
OCASIO-CORTEZ: If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.
COOPER: But being factually correct is important--
OCASIO-CORTEZ: It’s absolutely important. And whenever I make a mistake. I say, “Okay, this was clumsy,” and then I restate what my point was.
The first problem here is that Ocasio-Cortez is really minimizing her falsehoods. Four Pinocchios is not a claim that Glenn Kessler and The Post’s Fact Checker team give out for bungling the “semantics” of something. It’s when something is a blatant falsehood. It’s the worst rating you can get for a singular claim.
But that $21 trillion estimate isn’t necessarily waste; it’s just sloppily accounted for, according to that study. It’s also not just money the Pentagon spends; it includes money coming into the Pentagon. And that $32 trillion price tag is an estimate for the first 10 years of Medicare-for-all, while the Pentagon number accounts for a 17-year period. Ocasio-Cortez’s numbers weren’t just wrong on the margins; her conclusion made no logical sense in light of the actual facts.
29. Fact checks of AOC expose her lies :
This is a fact check of her statements in 2018 campaign :
a) “Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs."
Reality : First of all, Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that the percentage of people working two jobs has actually declined since the Great Recession — and been relatively steady at around 5 percent since 2010.
b) “ICE is the only criminal investigative agency, the only enforcement agency in the United States, that has a bed quota. So ICE is required to fill 34,000 beds with detainees every single night and that number has only been increasing since 2009.”
Reality : In 2014, in an exchange with Republican lawmakers, then-Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson testified that he did not view it as a mandate to fill the beds. “That’s beds, not people,” Johnson said.In any case, the language was eliminated in the 2017 and 2018 appropriations bills. So it’s not even an issue anymore.
c) "They [national Democrats] were campaigning most when we had more of an American middle class. This upper-middle class is probably more moderate but that upper-middle class does not exist anymore in America."
Reality : But the data show that while the middle class overall may have shrunk a bit, the upper-middle class has actually grown. In a 2016 paper published by the Urban Institute, Stephen J. Rose documented that the upper-middle class has grown substantially, from 12.9 percent of the population in 1979 to 29.4 percent in 2014. His analysis showed that there was a massive shift in the center of gravity of the economy, with an increasing share of income going to the upper-middle class and rich.
30. Co-sponsored New Way Forward Act that would increase illegal immigration:
AOC Co-Sponsored this bill - New Way Forward Act - which decriminalizes border crossing (would which inevitably increase illegal migration) instead of just focussing on humane treatment of those illegally crossing (there were 2 legislations in early 2019 for this).
There are a couple of decent measures in the bill, but it would inevitably lead to more illegal immigration and overall its a significant negative.
One of the bills to ensure humane treatment of illegal immigrants.
H.R.541 - Keep Families Together Act
This ensures humane treatment of the people caught illegally crossing the border and their families.
The argument for decriminalization was the bad treatment of illegal immigrants. The solution is not to decriminalize border crossing (which leads to less discouragement of those illegally crossing, thus inevitably increasing illegal immigration), but to ensure humane treatment of those illegal immigrants which HR 541 does.
Why the push for decriminalization then? Hmm, could it have something do with this?
Meanwhile Hillary Clinton :
*Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p.28]
The New Way Forward Act doesn't obviously advocate for open borders directly (that would be dumb), but does move towards that slowly. It doesn't prove any link with what Hillary wants, but one needs to keep his/her eyes open.
Is AOC really a progressive or an establishment plant? The evidence suggests the latter.
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